When Hiring A Sweeping Contractor, Consider These Four Things

Hiring A Sweeper The process to hire a power sweeping contractor for your pavement isn’t much different in some ways than hiring any other contractor. Like with other contractors, it is of the utmost importance to find a company that is reputable and knowledgeable. Ideally, you want a company that has the experience to both […]
Sweeper Summit 2022

Construction Sweeping, Stormwater Mitigation, & SWPPP

Sweeping and SWPPP All construction sites require the mitigation of stormwater via a Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan. Power Sweeping is one of the most effective ways to mitigate tracked out and eroded soils. Keeping waterways clean and limiting airborne dust disturbed during construction may not initially seem like an area of attention for companies known for […]
Unusual Situations During Power Sweeping

When our operators are out providing power sweeping services, they occasionally encounter unbelievable situations. Every one of our operators, at one time or another, has observed something unusual that made them scratch their head and wonder why on earth anyone would do such a thing. Some of these things have happened more than once-and these […]
Searching For A Quality Sweeping Contractor

When you are choosing a power sweeping service provider, there are no one size fits all options. There are multiple considerations that factor into the process of searching for a sweeping contractor. Here are some recommendations and relevant questions to keep in mind to ask. This will help you choose a sweeping service provider that […]
A Cleaner Parking Lot Helps Attract & Keep Customers

Why bother with parking lot cleaning and professional power sweeping? Parking lots that are regularly maintained and kept clean are more likely to attract more customers. Messy parking lots not only have the potential to deter customers from enetering or returning, but they also have the potential to become liability issues. With routine parking lot sweeps, you’ll […]
Plan Now For Pressure Washing

Power Pressure Washing is one of the most critical maintenance steps undertaken to preserve curb appeal of your buildings, lots and facilities. It may seem odd to be discussing this in winter, but it is a good idea to plan ahead with an advance service appointment to ensure you can secure pressure washing services before […]
The Holiday Season Has Arrived!

At Louisville Pavement Sweep, we love the holiday season. The arrival of December brings with it lots of festive celebrations, moments spent with cherished loved ones, and an overall sense of joy and anticipation. This joyful time of year, as we significantly ramp up our pavement sweeping and commercial cleaning services to accomodate the greatly […]
Why Deferred Maintenance Is A Bad Idea

Deferred Maintenance refers to the practice of postponing necessary maintenance, repairs, upgrades & replacements until some future date. Maintenance and repairs can be deferred for any number of reasons, but the most common causes are the lack of budgeted funds or manpower to cover the project. The brutal irony of deferred maintenance is that while […]
Junk & Bulk Debris Hauling Services

Most people don’t let garbage & junk removal ever cross their mind. Unless, of course, you find yourself tasked with hauling away garbage and junk for yourself. In the United States, the amount of garbage generated is 28 tons of garbage per person annually. The majority of us simply take for granted that our existing […]